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Friday, June 22, 2012

Preparing for the Levinsky Seminars

Hi everyone, It's more comfortable for me to post in English -- sorry if I am making things less comfortable for you. This is my first time using Blogger in years. I have been using EduBlogs with my students, but it was time to try this out again. The first time I tried Blogger, the interface was very limited and limiting for the user. I can see that Blogger has come a long way, however, and am looking forward to finding out about all of its new features.

The whole interface is much cleaner, and more intuitive.  I like that all the buttons are on top, and that I don't have to scroll down to save my posting.  I am trying out the connection with Google +.  So far, I have only connected my profile, but I know that I can more easily get readers if I make these posts visible on Google+ as well. I am still too much of a newbie to try that, so for now, this is personal. But if you are reading this, I guess I got over my initial fears :-)

Let's see how easy it is to post a picture:

A blue butterfly from Costa Rica

Now a video -- here is a slideshow from a trip to Tuscany

Okay, so now I know that the Jump Break icon inserts the Read More link to the rest of the article.


  1. You're quite beautifull, maam,
    from someone literally halfway
    around the globe -
    only God Almighty could set this
    in motion which we could have a
    vis-a-vis convo

    I'll definitely pray for yoo, dear.

    God bless your indelible soul.
    Love yoo.
    Cya soon Upstairs...

    1. And your first, wonderfull name means
      'Viva Christos Rei' [Portugese:
      Long live Christ the King].
      I must meet yoo, dear,
      in the Great Beyond;
      We'll git a Big-ol-beer
      and discuss this further...

      Love yoo.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
